Google Precious Moments and you will find these pretty, innocent, sweet characters.
A friend of mine loves Precious Moments characters, so she ordered a Precious Moments cake from me for her own birthday! :)
I started early on the little girl figurine, just in case there were any disasters, I would have time to redo!
My class with Lorraine McKay helped a lot when it came time to do the figurine. It was very time consuming, but the results were good. Since the little girl was so cute, I didn't want to make the cake too
'busy' with too many decorations. The focus would be on the figurine.
Simple cakes with few adornments are harder to make, because that means you must cover your cake flawlessly, as you cannot hide blemishes with decorations. So, I made sure I ganached the cake well, as that is the basis of all neat, flawless, fondant-covered cakes.
My cake turned out quite well, and although it was one of my best coverings, it was still far from perfect! :) I need plenty of ganaching practice if I ever hope to achieve that elusive, perfect, smooth finish!