Monday, January 9, 2012

My Little Pony

I have more confidence now to accept orders which seem trickier. So, when a request came in for a 'My Little Pony' cake, I accepted. An upright pony and a free standing rainbow would have been disastrous a year ago, but now it was a possibility!!

So my friend wanted a Little Pony cake for her daughter. She gave me a picture to work with and specifically wanted a rainbow, a pony and the number 9. I kinda stuck on the number 8 before I realised my mistake and luckily it hadn't stuck on fast yet! Heh...

Well, the rainbow was made from ropes of pastel coloured gumpaste. I threaded the ropes with wire for extra support and bent them into a rainbow and left them to dry for a couple of days.

The pony was kinda tricky and I just winged it. I especially love how the tail and mane turned out. The curls and colours are really pretty. I used the same technique Lorraine taught us for making hair. The butterfly tattoo on the butt and the heart on the hoof was a failure though. I need to work on my painting techniques. The borders are not well defined and the color ran.

In the end, when everything came together, I was satisfied. The pink of the cake and the purple of the cake board was a little dull though. That's another area I need to work on, colouring my fondant.