Monday, August 15, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake II

Oh, I seem to have missed out the Strawberry Shortcake cake! It's the second cake which I made for Elena, the first one being the tiara cake two posts before.

Anyway, this is the second Strawberry Shortcake cake I've done. The first one was for my niece Michelle, and it was the modern, grown-up version of Strawberry Shortcake. This one however, was the classic, sweet version of Strawberry Shortcake!

I think I like this one much more, cause I've improved on the gumpaste formula and also my technique a lot since then.

This Strawberry Shortcake cake was orange cake I think... with chocolate ganache, if I'm not mistaken. My blog is so back-logged and it's been too long from the time I made the cakes to the time that I write a post on it, that I can't remember the details! :)

Anyway, I like the lovely, sweet colours and I especially love the strawberries and the strawberry blossoms. I made the top layer of "drippy icing" a bit too big. By the time I realized it, it was already stuck fast, and I could no longer remove it to make adjustments. So the "drippy icing" extended down the side of the cake a little too much. Thus it unfortunately covered most of the colourful stripes.

Never the less, I think it turned out quite nice and Strawberry Shortcake is ever so cute, especially with her freckles and ringlets!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Groovy Papa

I had a last minute order the other day. A client called me two nights before her dad's 60th birthday bash and told me she needed some cupcakes for the special occasion. I told her that due to the lack of time, it would have to be a 2D design.

She told me that she wanted a 70's disco theme and her dad loved music and guitars. She specially requested for red Fender guitars. I had no idea what those were and had to Google it! :) Turns out they're those classic red and white electric guitars!

I was actually quite busy with another order that weekend, but the idea of a disco theme got me hooked!

The cupcakes are chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and the decorations are fondant, except for the guitars and dancing couple. Those are gumpaste. The dancing couple did not have enough time to harden, so I had to use a wee bit of spaghetti sticks to hold up the lady's arm.

I love the final look of the whole ensemble. My client was happy and she says everyone especially loved the guitars!